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D1A1 Precision Thin Diamond Wheels 4 Inch Diameter 0.020 to 0.250 Thickness Grit Size 60 to 1000 Customer Choice ID 16140-

Part Number: 16140-60
D1A1 Precision Thin Diamond Wheels 4 Inch Diameter 0.020 to 0.250 Thickness Grit Size 60 to 1000 Customer Choice ID 16140-
D1A1 Precision Thin Diamond Wheels 4 Inch Diameter 0.020 to 0.250 Thickness Grit Size 60 to 1000 Customer Choice ID 16140-
Your Price: $216.99USD
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D1A1 Precision Thin Diamond Wheels 4 Inch Diameter 0.020 to 0.250 Thickness Grit Size 60 to 1000 Customer Choice ID 16140-


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D1A1 Precision Thin Diamond Wheels 4 Inch Diameter 0.020 to 0.250 Thickness Grit Size 60 to 1000 Customer Choice
3DB - ROS1 Nickel Coated Diamond, Medium Hard Bond STANDARD CUT-OFF FOR CARBIDE WET OR DRY

1) Select the option for Width Range and Type in the desired Width Example 1/32, = 0.0312
  Any size in 0.001 Increments may be used Tolerance of wheel width is +0.0000" - 0.0005"

2) Select the Grit Size Example 80 Grit

3) Enter the Size you require in Text Box Example: for 1/32 you would mark 0.0312

4) Mark the quantity you require in the Quantity Box

5) Click on the Red Add to Cart Button

Need assistance please call 716 791 6197, Select Option 2 Technical Support 

Recommendations For Correct Wheel Speeds

Typical maximum operating speed by bond types are as follows:

Resin Bond....9,500 SFPM

The above wheel speeds are the maximum safe speeds and not necessarily the most efficient.  Super abrasive wheels operate most effectively at speeds lower than the maximum.  

The following are general recommendations:

Resin Bond....5,500 to 6,500 SFPM
But as high as 9,500 SFPM on some machines and operations.

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