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One Piece Clamping Coupling 1/4 through 2 inch ISCC-Series

Part Number: 2408-ISCC-037-037
One Piece Clamping Coupling 1/4 through 2 inch ISCC-Series
One Piece Clamping Coupling 1/4 through 2 inch ISCC-Series
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Clamping Coupling 1/4 through 2 inch ISCC-Series

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One-Piece Industry Standard Clamping Coupling ISCC-Series

One-Piece Clamping Couplings are designed to handle applications that require a greater

torque capacity than Set Screw Couplings without marring the shaft.  Available with or without keyway.

Black Oxide SteelStainlessSteelBore Size2nd Bore SizeODLengthClamp ScrewBox QtyApprox. Weight (oz.)
ISCC-025-025ISCC-025-025-S1/4 1/4 11/161 1/84-40 x 3/8101.50
ISCC-037-025ISCC-037-025-S3/8 1/4 7/81 3/86-32 x 3/8102.70
ISCC-037-037ISCC-037-037-S3/8 3/8 7/81 3/86-32 x 3/852.60
ISCC-050-037ISCC-050-037-S1/2 3/8 1 1/81 3/48-32 x 1/256.00
ISCC-050-050ISCC-050-050-S1/2 1/2 1 1/81 3/48-32 x 1/255.70
ISCC-062-050ISCC-062-050-S5/8 1/2 1 5/1610-32 x 1/259.00
ISCC-062-062ISCC-062-062-S5/8 5/8 1 5/1610-32 x 1/258.50
ISCC-075-050ISCC-075-050-S3/4 1/2 1 1/22 1/41/4-28 x 5/8512.20
ISCC-075-062ISCC-075-062-S3/4 5/8 1 1/22 1/41/4-28 x 5/8512.20
ISCC-075-075ISCC-075-075-S3/4 3/4 1 1/22 1/41/4-28 x 5/8512.20
ISCC-087-062ISCC-087-062-S7/8 5/8 1 5/82 1/21/4-28 x 5/8515.40
ISCC-087-087ISCC-087-087-S7/8 7/8 1 5/82 1/21/4-28 x 5/8515.40
ISCC-100-050ISCC-100-050-S1  1/2 1 3/4 31/4-28 x 5/8223.60
ISCC-100-075ISCC-100-075-S1  3/41 3/4 31/4-28 x 5/8220.00
ISCC-100-100ISCC-100-100-S1  11 3/431/4-28 x 5/8220.00


1 1/8 11 7/83 1/81/4-28 x 5/8222.00
ISCC-112-112ISCC-112-112-S1 1/8 1 1/81 7/83 1/81/4-28 x 5/8222.00
ISCC-125-100ISCC-125-100-S1 1/4 12 1/163 1/41/4-28 x 3/4228.40
ISCC-125-125ISCC-125-125-S1 1/4 1 1/42 1/163 1/41/4-28 x 3/4228.40
ISCC-137-100ISCC-137-100-S1 3/8 12 1/43 1/21/4-28 x 3/4237.00
ISCC-137-137ISCC-137-137-S1 3/8 1 3/82 1/43 1/21/4-28 x 3/4237.00
ISCC-150-100ISCC-150-100-S1 1/2 12 5/83 7/85/16-24 x 1149.50
ISCC-150-150ISCC-150-150-S1 1/2 1 1/22 5/83 7/85/16-24 x 1149.50
ISCC-175-175ISCC-175-175-S1 3/4 1 3/43 1/84 1/23/8-24 x 11102.30
ISCC-200-200ISCC-200-200-S23 3/84 7/83/8-24 x 11107.00

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