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.2188 TO 3.0 Inch Diameter Taper Shank Core Drill Bits High Speed Steel Series 522 4 Flute ID 869-

Part Number: 869-522- 1/4
.2188 TO 3.0 Inch Diameter Taper Shank Core Drill Bits High Speed Steel Series 522 4 Flute ID 869-
.2188 TO 3.0 Inch Diameter Taper Shank Core Drill Bits High Speed Steel Series 522 4 Flute ID 869-
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.2188 TO 3.0 Inch Diameter Taper Shank Core Drill Bits High Speed Steel Series 522 4 Flute ID 869-


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.2188 TO 3.0 Inch Diameter Taper Shank Core Drill Bits High Speed Steel ID 869-

Drill Size Equivalent and Taper Drill
Core drill bit (Enlarging holes)

A bit used to enlarge an existing hole, as pictured, is called a core drill bit.
The existing hole may be the result of a core from a casting or a stamped (punched) hole.
The name comes from its first use, for drilling out the hole left by a foundry core,
a cylinder placed in a mould for a casting that leaves an irregular hole in the product.
This core drill bit is solid.

These core drill bits are similar in appearance to reamers as they have no cutting point or means of starting a hole.
They have 3 or 4 flutes which enhances the finish of the hole and ensures the bit cuts evenly.
 Core drill bits differ from reamers in the amount of material they are intended to remove.
 A reamer is only intended to enlarge a hole a slight amount which, depending on the reamers size,
may be anything from 0.1 millimeter to perhaps a millimeter. A core drill bit may be used to double the size of a hole.

Using an ordinary two-flute twist drill bit to enlarge the hole resulting from a casting core will not produce
a clean result, the result will possibly be out of round, off center and generally of poor finish.
The two fluted drill bit also has a tendency to grab on any protuberance (such as flash) which may occur in the product.

.2188 TO 3.0 Inch Diameter Taper Shank Core Drill Bits High Speed Steel Series 522 4 Flute ID 869-

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