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Cutting and Tapping Fluids LPS - TAPMATIC Brand

Part Number: 1064-8943200
Cutting and Tapping Fluids LPS - TAPMATIC Brand
Cutting and Tapping Fluids LPS - TAPMATIC Brand
Your Price: $24.13USD
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Cutting and Tapping Fluids LPS - TAPMATIC Brand


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TAPMATIC EDGE LUBE & CREME Cutting & Tapping Fluid

Meets USDA requirements for P1. 

Edge Lube: 

* Excellent for belt, wheel and disc grinding or sawing applications. 
* White, solid waxy bar 
Edge Creme: 
* Excellent for vertical applications 
* For use when drilling, tapping blind holes, forming, bending, pre-coating fasteners and lubricating rubber seals. 
* Squeeze tube allows easy usage 
* Biodegradable 
* Eliminates heat buildup and belt loading 
* Does not contain any hazardous chemicals 
* Compatible with oil and water systems 
* Extends grinding wheel life 
* Low toxicity 
* Safe on all metals

TAPMATIC #1 GOLD Cutting & Tapping Fluid

Meets USDA requirements for P1. 

* Great for hard to machine metals 
* Excellent for low speed, high pressure applications 
* Minimizes torque increases 
* Does not contain 1,1,1 trichloroethane, chlorinated paraffins, water, solvents or inactive fillers 
* Aerosol provides a pinpoint stream with foaming action 
* Safe on all metals 

Meets or exceeds these specs: 
Boeing BAC 5008 & Boeing D6-48809

TAPMATIC AQUACUT Cutting & Tapping Fluid

Meets USDA requirements for P1. 

* Water-based formula 
* Excellent for high speed, low pressure applications 
* Nonflammable 
* Nonhazardous 
* Does not contain 1,1,1 trichloroethane, sulfur, chlorine or oils 
* Safe on all metals, except magnesium 
* Corrosion inhibitors prevent flash rusting 
* Provides fine finishes. 
* Cinnamon scent


* Made for hard to machine metals such as stainless steel and titanium 
* Cools and lubricates 
* Reduces friction and eliminates chip welding 
* Lowers temperature through chemically controlled evaporation 
* Provides ultra fine finishes and precise tolerances 
* Excellent cooling ability 
* Evaporates quickly 
* Not recommended for aluminum 

* Boring * Broaching * Drawing * Drilling * Engraving * Facing * Finishing * Grinding


* Provides superior lubricity in machining aluminum and its alloys
* Reduces friction 
* Eliminates chip welding 
* Improves surface finish 
* Extends tool life 

* Boring * Broaching * Drawing * Drilling * Engraving * Facing 
* Finishing * Grinding

TAPMATIC NATURAL Cutting& Tappping Fluid

Meets USDA requirements for P1. 

* Nontoxic, nonhazardous and biodegradable 
* Does not irritate the skin, eyes or respiratory tract 
* Does not contain 1,1,1 trichloroethane, sulfur, chlorine, 
chlorinated solvents, water, mineral oil or inactive fillers 
* High performance lubricating ability eliminates galling and seizing 
* Safe on all metals

TAPMATIC TRICUT Cutting & Tapping Fluid

Clear plastic bottles allow end users to quickly check volume levels 

* Available in liquid or paste 
* Suitable for most metals; excellent for stainless steel 
* Extends tool life 
* Reduces production costs 
* Improves surface finish 
* Allows increased removal rates 
* Reduces friction 
* Flows directly to cutting edge 
* Suitable for high and low speed applications 
* Provides smooth, accurate cutting action 
* Is non-corrosive to steel

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